All the Transactions with HAF, irrespective of the Quantity Purchased will be executed on 100% Advance Payment basis. We dont offer Credit Facility or Payment Against Delivery Facility.
If the Consignment in Displacement / Dispatch phase is delayed by the Buyer due to arrears at its own end. The total Consignment will be delayed due to stock back log. HAF will not be responsible for such back log in dispatch.
Domestic Feed Supplies to End Users shall be done directly from HAF’s Production Unit-1 located at Jamnagar District of Gujarat State.
We don’t have any MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity) Clause for Sales. Buyers can directly forward their Purchase Order without MOQ Hassle.
All HAF Feeds contain essential nutrients, so there is no need for any additional Supplements such as Vitamins, Minerals or Trace Minerals.
Throughout the years, the feed formulations will be changing on seasonal basis. Which makes the feed versatile in productions aspect in Animal and Poultry Farming Industry. We understand what is needed when in Life Science, so based on that expertise, we produce feed on seasonal requirement basis
Always prefer feeding Fresh Feed to Animals and Birds. At the best one can plan an Inventory Management of Stocking ready feed for One Month. Based on your consumption pattern fresh feed shall be supplied in an uninterrupted manner. Avoid Stock Feed for extensive period.
All food and feed materials are subject to perish. During Rainy Season the expiry period shall be 60 Days and in other Seasons it shall be as high as 120 Days, subject to Material Handling and Store Keeping Methods.
Always Unload goods on Plastic Tarpauline or Wooden Pellets or Metal Pellets, so it can be protected from ground Moisture.
Very Often Buyers may have to wait for Week to Ten Days for getting the physical delivery of the products. As goods in any quantities can be supplied when they are in the production schedule.
Production of Different products are based on systematic Production Schedules and Supply System, so any supply is possible only when the batch is in production.
Our Standard Packing for Domestic and Exports is 39 Kgs and our prospective Buyer will getting products in the same 39 Kgs Packing.
We don’t give Free Samples or Trial Samples. In case of any hard requirements we may be soliciting our Buyer Requirement by giving a display sample of 500 g.
All Product Pricing are fixed and governed by HAF Management. The pricing is totally non-negotiable in Nature irrespective of the quantity of the Order.
In case of availability of Retail or Bulk Sales Depo in the Buyer Region, products can be availed from there itself.
All Institutional Sales and other similar sales activity shall be directly executed by HAF to facilitate all possible cooperation to our Buyers.
All Animal Feed and Poultry Feed Products are VAT (Value Added Tax) Free / GST FREE Products through India.
In the case of Interstate Transactions, the Buyer has to provide their GSTIN Number to the us. Although the products being TAX FREE by Nature, furnishing GST Number for Documentation Process is Must.
In case of Customer purchasing the Feed Products for end use purpose or self-consumption (and for Non Trading Purpose), can purchase feed even though not having GST Number. In such case buyers have to provide their PAN Number and Aadhaar No required to be mentioned in the Transit Documents.
E-Way Bill will be generated for Invoices above Rs.49999.00, irrespective of Inter / Intra State Transaction.
All Product Pricing will be on Ex-Factory Basis. All other expenses shall be extra at actual, such Transportation, Octroi etc.
Any Damage of the Goods in the Transit shall not be claimable by the Buyer to the Seller.
Buyer can select its own mode of Transit and Preference of the Transit Service. HAF shall loaded the goods in the Buyer preferred Transit Service.
Jamnagar is the Western most District of Gujarat. Beyond that is the Arabian Sea. The Only Transit Facility that Jamnagar has is Road Transit.
There is no Rail Transport Facility in Jamnagar. The Rail Transport Facility is functional from Ahmedabad District of Gujarat State, which is 325 Kms from Jamnagar
For certain Southern States like Kerala and Tamil Nadu, there is a Sea Transit Facility from Pipavav Port of Gujarat Stated. Which is 340 Kms from Jamnagar. For Sea Transit, the minimum load should be One 20′ Container which is equal to 600 Bags of 39 Kgs. Lesser than is no possible.
Our Customers can contact our Animal Nutritionist at Time 24 x 7 for any type of Consultation on 0288-2565657 or mail us at and we assure a never ending cooperation from our side.